

I am an ENFP-A ( Extravert, Intuitive, Feeling, Perceiving – Assertive). Basically I am a true free spirit. I crave for creativity and adventrues. I love to travel just to see every part of the world and learn their culture and be amazed by how big the world is.

I love to talk, I think that’s why I got into radio and television. I love spreading loving messages and inspiring others to become whoever they want to be.

I started out working for MTV Radio in Jakarta in 2002. And I never stop being a broadcaster. My TV personality life also started in 2002 as a sport caster. I trully love my jobs.

I am inspired by visionaire types of people. And I believe in taking leaps of faith in life. I believe in finding out our true calling and true self is a spiritual journey that’s worth to be fighting for.

And now I’m launching my lifestyle blog for my love of fashion and travel. This is also something I’ve been wanting to do in my life. Because hey, if we all can be happy, stylish and traveling the world, why not?

Cheryl Marella and Beach Journey are open for any collaborations, sponsorship, advertising slot and media promotion. Should there by any further inquiries and/or proposals, please shoot an email to :


Instagram: @CherylMarella @Beach.Journey

Youtube: Cheryl Marella https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCFZUTd167CUmid68QdZOtRg